Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape: [Site] G e n e r a l [Info] Andersson, Ulrika, et al., eds. Rape Narratives in Motion. Cham 2019. [Info] Bischoff, Christine. »Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von "Rape and Revenge".« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Bischoff, Christine. »Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von „Rape and Revenge“.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 235-256. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London 2022. [Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence.« New Books in Women's History. New Books Network 2022. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Echoes: A Symposium on Classic-Modern Relations. Birmingham 2018. [Info] Killean, Rachel, et al. »Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics.« LawPod (May 29, 2019). [Info] Koch, Angela. »Performing Sexual Violence: Zum Erscheinen der Bedeutung von sexueller Gewalt im Film.« Performativität und Performance: Geschlecht in Musik, Theater und MedienKunst. Edited by Martina Oster et al. Hamburg 2008: 76-87. [Info] Koch, Angela. »Gefährdete Ordnung im Rape-Revenge-Film.« Der Einsatz des Lebens: Lebenswissen, Medialisierung, Geschlecht. Edited by Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky et al. Berlin 2009: 175-189. [Info] Köhne, Julia B. »Sexuelle Gewalt und Rache in kulturellen Artefakten. Kommentar und Plädoyer.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 297-310. [Info] Parker, Louisa. »Autobiographical Content and the Legacy of Artemisia, or Why Should We Care If Someone Was Raped?« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014. [Info] Roptin, Jacky. »Des viols de guerre à la violence sexuelle comme terreur.« Mémoires No. 75 (2019): 5-7. [Info] Serisier, Tanya. Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics. Cham 2018. [Info] Tashjian, Michaela. »Rape Fantasy and the Feminist: A History of Critical Thought.« SOARS Virtual Conference. Raleigh 2020. [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] General
[Site] Algerian History
[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »The Limits of 'Legal Pluralism': Consent, Rape, and Evidence in Colonial Algeria.« 45th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Longueuil 2019. [Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »Illegible Allegations: Navigating the Meanings of Rape in Colonial Algeria.« French Politics, Culture & Society 39 (2021): 59-82. [Info] Shepard, Todd. Sex, France & Arab Men, 1962-1979. Chicago 2018. [Site] Beninese History
[Site] Botswana History
[Site] Burundian History
[Site] Cameroonian History
[Site] Congolese History
[Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015. [Info] Lauro, Amandine. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« 11th European Social Scinece History Conference. Valencia 2016. [Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Historicizing Sexual Violence in Colonial Congo, between Legal and Social History: Rape, Consent and Colonial Courts in the Belgian Congo (1880-1960).« 23rd Annual Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians. Naples 2017. [Site] Equatoguinean History
[Site] Gabonese History
[Site] Ghanaian History
[Site] Ivorian History
[Site] Kenyan History
[Site] Liberian History
[Site] Mozambican History
[Site] Namibian History
[Site] Nigerian History
[Site] Rwandan History
[Site] Senegalese History
[Site] Sierra Leonian History
[Site] Somalian History
[Site] South African History
[Info] Bridger, Emily. »Apartheid's 'rape crisis'; Understanding and addressing sexual violence in South Africa, 1970s-1990s.« Women's History Review (June 13, 2023). [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Thornberry, Elizabeth. Colonizing Consent: Rape and Governance in South Africa's Eastern Cape. Cambridge 2019. [Site] Sudanese History
[Site] Tanzanian History
[Site] Togolese History
[Site] Ugandan History
[Site] Zambian History
[Info] Mahdi, A.A. Rape and attempted rape in Zambia: A study of statistical trends in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, 1970-1989. Lusaka 1989-1992. [Site] Zimbabwean History
[Info] Benson, Koni, et al. »Ukubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956.« Zambezia 30 (2003): 108-133. [Info] Benson, Koni, et al. »Ukubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956.« Journal of Southern African Studies 31 (2005): 587-610. [Info] Kennedy, Dane. Islands of White: Settler Society and Culture in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia 1890-1939. Durham 1987. [Info] McCulloch, Jock. Black Peril, White Virtue: Sexual Crime in Southern Rhodesia, 1902-1935. Bloomington 2000. [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Argentine History
[Site] Brazilian History
[Info] Araújo, Valmir Memória da Imigração Síria e Libanesa nos Vales dos Rios Acre e Purus - 1900-1975. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de São Paulo, 2015 [Info] Fagundes, Marluce D. Honra, moral e violência nos “anos dourados”: Discursos jurídicos em crimes sexuais – Porto Alegre (1948-1964). Dissertação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018. [Info] Iotti, Luiza H., et al. »Justiça e memória: Crimes contra as mulheres em Caxias do Sul na década de 30 através das fontes judiciais.« Criminalidade, Violência e Justiça: reflexões e novas possibilidades. São Leopoldo 2017: 224-234. [Info] Iotti, Luiza H., et al. »A moça é séria e o noivo lhe fez mal: O defloramento através dos processos criminais.« Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais 10 (2018): 287-303. [Info] Ribas Filho, Marcelo. »A palavra das testemunhas nos casos de defloramento, sedução e estupro (Irati-PR, 1930-1950).« Temporalidades 13 (2021): 430-453. [Info] Satori, Guilherme R. A construção da verdade nos crimes de defloramento (1920-1940): Práticas e representações do discurso jurídico na Comarca de Bauru (SP). Dissertação, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2011. [Info] Textor, Bárbara G. »Gênero e honra em processos-crime de Santa Maria/RS (1910/1946).« Criminalidade, Violência e Justiça: reflexões e novas possibilidades. Edited by Caroline von Mühlen et al. São Leopoldo 2017: 212-223. [Site] Canadian History
[Info] Devon, Sandra A. Rape and the Judicial System: A Study of Social Control, Manitoba, 1965 - 1980. M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1984. [Info] Erickson, Lesley A. »"Hired Hands" and Deviant Women: Sex Crime Prosecutions in the Canadian West, 1889-1940.« 80th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Quebec City 2002. [Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97. [Info] Quinlan, Andrea. The Technoscientific Witness of Rape: Contentious Histories of Law, Feminism, and Forensic Science. Toronto 2017. [Site] Chilean History [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Higiene y degeneración en el tratamiento médico-legal de la violencia sexual en Chile.« Actas - Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana 23 (2020). [Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »La Medicina Legal y el delito de violación en Chile (1875-1922).« Dynamis 40 (2020): 125-146. [Site] Colombian History
[Site] Costa Rican History
[Site] Cuban History
[Site] Dominican History
[Site] Ecuadorian History
[Site] Guadeloupean History
[Site] Guatemalan History
[Site] Haitian History
[Site] Jamaican History
[Site] Mexican History
[Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. Militancia feminista, fenómenos culturales y violencia de género en México: Una historia visual (1970-2002). Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Granada, 2023. [Info] Flores Méndez, Yessenia. »Violencia contra la mujer, divorcio y relaciones de género en Tamaulipas a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX: Una mirada histórica.« Contribución al análisis de la violencia familiar en Tamaulipas.Edited by Victor Daniel Jurado Flores. Ciudad Victoria 2020: 17-55. [Site] Nicaraguan History
[Site] Peruvian History
[Site] Salvadorean History
[Site] U.S. History [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor No. 743 (2010): 407-416. [Info] Brookfield, Molly. »The Stranger in the Street: Street Harassment in Feminist Anti-Rape Activism, 1968-1980.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Histoire de la violence en Occident de 1800 à nos jours. Paris 1981. [Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Storia della violenza in Occidente dal 1800 a oggi . Milan 1982. [Info] Chetelat, Abigail. »MisRepresentation of the Madam: Sex Worker Rhetoric on the Pornography Wars 1973-1986.« Txstur[e] 1 (2024): 10-23. [Info] Cuklanz, Lisa M. »The Masculine Ideal: Rape on Prime-Time Television, 1976-1978.« Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15 (1998): 423-448. [Info] Devlin, Donna. »Testifying to the “Positive Fact” of “Rape”: Corroboration Requirements in Nebraska and Kansas through the Late 20th Century.« 136th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Philadelphia 2023. [Info] Dodd, Jenifer. “Compulsive Rapism”: Psychiatric Approaches to Sexual Violence in the 1980s. Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 2016. [Info] Fabijanska, Monika. »To Censor or to Teach: Educational Reflections on a Foundational Exhibition.« Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention. Edited by Ellen C. Caldwell et al. University Park 2024: 138-149. [Info] Feimster, Crystal. »Raped and Lynched: Black Female Victims of Mob Violence in the New South, 1880-1930.« 65th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Fort Worth 1999. [Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Victim: Rescripting Rape in Contemporary American Fiction since 1970. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2006. [Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020. [Info] Freedman, Estelle. »The Politics of Rape in American History: Gender, Race, and Social Change.« 99th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2006. [Info] Freyberg, Anna. »A Woman's Place in the Revolution: Gender and Sexual Politics within the Black Panther Party.« MURAJ 4(6) (2021). [Info] Fryd, Vivien G. »Anti-Rape and Anti-Incest Counternarratives: Art in the United States Since the 1960s and in the Wake of the #MeToo Movement.« Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention. Edited by Ellen C. Caldwell et al. University Park 2024: 201-210. [Info] Funnell, Lisa, et al. »Introduction: The Promise of #MeToo as a Theoretical Lens.« Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood. Edited by Lisa Funnell et al. Albany 2022: 1-10. [Info] Goldbort, Sarah. »"Teach as if you aren't afraid of getting fired": A Queer Survivor's Use of Restorative Justice Circles to Embrace Vulnerability in the Classroom.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 287-295. [Info] Green, Laurie B. »"We Must Act on This": Police Rape, Gender, and the Politics of Racial Justice in Postwar Memphis.« 96th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Memphis 2003. [Info] Gustafsson-Wood, Isaac. Male rape in film comedy: Representations in contemporary Hollywood. Doctoral Thesis, University of Southampton, 2019. [Info] Hildebrand, Sarah, chair. »Reading and Theorizing Rape Culture (Part 2).« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020. [Info] Hobson, Janell, et al. »Black Women, Sexual Violence, and Resistance in the United States.« The Routledge Companion to Black Women‘s Cultural Histories. Edited by Janell Hobson. New York 2021. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Rape, Politics, and the Politics of Rape.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New Orleans 2017. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »"Do We Really Believe the Police Will Protect Us?": Anti-State Analysis in the 1970s Anti-Rape Movement.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. The Injustices of Rape: How Activists Responded to Sexual Violence, 1950–1980. Chapel Hill 2019. [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Keire, Mara. »Women and Sexual Assault in the United States, 1900–1940.« Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. Edited by Jon Butler. Oxford 2019. [Info] Keire, Mara. »She said, he said, he said: Narrative destruction in a New YorkCity rape case, 1916-1917.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Kotch, Seth. Lethal State: A History of the Death Penalty in North Carolina. Chapel Hill 2019. [Info] Kramm, Robert. Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945–1952. Oakland 2017. [Info] Kramm-Masaoka, Robert. Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952. Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zürich, 2015. [Info] Lawlor, Ruth, chair. »Responding to Rape: Activism, State Power, and the Law.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Lipman, Jana. »Re-thinking the “Big Dan’s Rape Case”: Feminists, Immigrant Advocacy, and the Law Forty Years Later.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Loney-Howes, Rachel. Online Anti-Rape Activism: Exploring the Politics of the Personal in the Age of Digital Media. Bingley 2020. [Info] McConnell, Kelsey. »Trauma isn’t a Prop: Sexual Abuse in Comics.« ComicsVerse (July 30, 2017). [Info] Morse, Jaimie. »Legal mobilization in medicine: Nurses, rape kits, and the emergence of forensic nursing in the United States since the 1970s.« Social Science & Medicine 222 (2019): 323-334. [Info] O’Brien, Robert M., et al. »An Empirical Comparison of the Validity of UCR and NCS Crime Rates.« The Sociological Quarterly 21 (1980): 391-401. [Info] O’Brien, Robert M. »UCR violent crime rates, 1958-2000: Recorded and offender-generated trends.« Social Science Research 32 (2003): 499-518. [Info] Odem, Mary E. »Cultural Representations and Social Contexts of Rape in the Early Twentieth Century.« Lethal Imagination: Violence and Brutality in American History. Edited by Michael A. Bellesiles. New York 1999: 353-370. [Info] Orcutt, James D., et al. »Sex-Role Attitude Change and Reporting of Rape Victimization, 1973-1985.« Sociological Quarterly 29 (1988): 589-604. [Info] Orcutt, James D., et al. »Sex-Role Attitude Change and Reporting of Rape Victimization, 1973-1985.« Criminal Behavior: Text and Readings in Criminology . Second Edition. Edited by Delos H. Kelly. New York 1990: 79-93. [Info] Park, Minsu, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024). [Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97. [Info] Pinkowitz, Jacqueline. »'Rape and Race': Exposing/Exploiting Slavery's Monstrous Intimacies in Late 1960s and Early 1970s Slavery Exploitation Films.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence from the National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012). M.A. Thesis, University of Delaware, 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Annual Graduate Student Forum at the University of Delaware. Newark 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting rape by victims and third parties: Evidence from National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Powerful Partnerships: 20 Years of the Violence Against Women Act and the Path Ahead. Newark 2014. [Info] Quinlan, Andrea. »Visions of Public Safety, Justice, and Healing: The Making of the Rape Kit Backlog in the United States.« Social & Legal Studies (February 21, 2019). [Info] Reid, Lydia J.E. Rape, Law, and Society in the Progressive Era. M.A. Thesis, University of Virginia, 1992. [Info] Rhoades, Sophia. The Evolution of Defining Rape in the United States. Honors Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2020. [Info] Robertson, Stephen. »"Doing Away with Consent": Rape, the Age of Consent, and Female Sexual Subjectivity in New York City, 1896-1916.« Third Social History Conference. Cincinnati 1993. [Info] Robertson, Stephen. »Shifting the Scene of the Crime: From the History of Rape to the History of Sexual Violence.« 99th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2006. [Info] Sheehan, Rebecca J. »‘If we had more like her we would no longer be the unheard majority’: Germaine Greer’s reception in the United States.« Australian Feminist Studies 31 (2016): 62-77. [Info] Shelby, Renee. »Whose rape kit? Stabilizing the Vitullo® Kit through positivist criminology and protocol feminism.« Theoretical Criminology (December 24, 2018). [Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020). [Info] Trujillo, Sarai. »Rape and the Image of Women: An Ethnographic Survey.« The Image of Violence in Literature, Media, and Society. Colorado Springs 2007. [Info] Trujillo, Sarai M. »Rape and the Image of Women: An Ethnographic Survey.« The Image of Violence in Literature, Media, and Society II. Edited by Will Wright et al. Pueblo 2007: 178-181. [Info] Waligora-Davis, Nicole A. »Black Numbers: Race, Gender, and Personal Injury.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Honolulu 2019. [Info] Walsh, Brian P. The Rape of Tokyo: Legends of Mass Sexual Violence and Exploitation during the Occupation of Japan. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 2016. [Info] Walsh, Brian. »Sexual Violence During the Occupation of Japan.« The Journal of Military History 82 (2018): 1199-1230. [Info] Weiner, Neil A., et al. »Violence Arrests in the City: The Philadephia Story, 1857-1980.« Violence in America. Vol. 1. Edited by Ted R. Gurr. London 1989: 102-121. [Info] Whaley, Rachel B. »Reconciling the Apparent Contradictory Effects of Gender Equality on Rape.« Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociologial Association. Portland 1999. [Info] Whaley, Rachel B. The Structural Covariates of Rape, 1970-1990: A Consideration of Social Disorganization, Inequality, and Feminist Theories. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 1999. [Info] Whaley, Rachel B. »Changes in Gender Equality and the Consequences for Men's Violence: Rape and Homicide 1980-2000.« 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2007. [Info] Whittier, Nancy. Frenemies: Feminists, Conservatives, and Sexual Violence. Oxford 2018. [Info] Wiesner, Caitlin R. »Deserving Victims: Black Women’s Anti-Rape Advocacy in 1980s Chicago.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Wiesner, Caitlin. »Concerned Women: Black Feminists Confront the Crime of Black-on-Black Rape .« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Yang, Zhiguo. United States Marines in Qingdao: Military-Civilian Interaction, Nationalism, and China's Civil War 1945-1949. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, 1998. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Afghan History
[Info] Wimpelmann, Torunn. Adultery, rape, and escaping the house: The protection and policing of female sexuality in Afghanistan. Bergen 2017. [Site] Arabic History
[Site] Armenian History
[Site] Azerbaijani History
[Site] Bangladeshi History
[Info] Gerlach, Christian. »Crowd Violence in East Pakistan/Bangladesh 1971–1972.« Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia: An Introductory Reader. Edited by Frank Jacob. Berlin 2019: 15-39. [Site] Burmese History [Info] Saha, Jonathan. »The male state: Colonialism, corruption and rape investigations in the Irrawaddy Delta c.1900.« Indian Economic and Social History Review 47 (2010): 343-376. [Info] Saha, Jonathan. Law, Disorder and the Colonial State: Corruption in Burma c.1900. Basingstoke 2013. [Site] Cambodian History
[Site] Chinese History
[Info] Chen, Sirong. Legalizing Sex Industries or Not? A Comparison of the Growth Rate of Sexual Crimes and STDS among China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. M.Sc. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 2019. [Info] Tsang, Carol. »Whose Body Is It? The Politics of Abortion in Late Colonial Hong Kong.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024. [Info] Yang, Zhiguo. United States Marines in Qingdao: Military-Civilian Interaction, Nationalism, and China's Civil War 1945-1949. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, 1998. [Info] Zhang, Lening, et al. »The Characteristics of Chinese Women's Victimization in Sex Offenses.« International Criminal Justice Review 23 (2013): 295-306. [Info] Zhang, Man. »Rape, Law, and Politics in Early 1950s China.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Virtual, 2021. [Site] Indian History
[Info] Devappa, Manjula. »Anti rape movement.« CLIO 6 (2020): 243-247. [Info] Kathuria, Poonam. »Changing laws and unchanging statistics: Rape and rape laws in India.« Needs No Introduction. rabble podcast network, 2014. [Info] Shrivastava, Nidhi. »Mass Rapes during the 1947 Partition and its Representation or Silencing in Hindi Cinema.« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020. [Info] Waxman, Rebecca. »Defining and Redefining Rape: Caste and Sexualized Violence in Late Colonial India.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024. [Site] Indonesian History
[Site] Iraqi History
[Site] Israeli History
[Info] Shapira, Tal. La presse israélienne contre le viol et le suicide entre les années 1958 et 1962. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 8, 2016. [Site] Japanese History
[Info] Kramm, Robert. Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945–1952. Oakland 2017. [Info] Kramm-Masaoka, Robert. Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952. Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zürich, 2015. [Info] Perper, Timothy, et al. »Eroticism for the masses: Japanese manga comiss and their assimilation into the U.S.« Sexuality and Culture 6 (2002): 3-126. [Info] Roebuck, Kristin A. »Rape, Race, and Eugenic Abortion in Occupied Japan.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024. [Info] Walsh, Brian P. The Rape of Tokyo: Legends of Mass Sexual Violence and Exploitation during the Occupation of Japan. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 2016. [Info] Walsh, Brian. »Sexual Violence During the Occupation of Japan.« The Journal of Military History 82 (2018): 1199-1230. [Site] Korean History
[Site] Nepalese History
[Site] Pakistani History
[Info] Gerlach, Christian. »Crowd Violence in East Pakistan/Bangladesh 1971–1972.« Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia: An Introductory Reader. Edited by Frank Jacob. Berlin 2019: 15-39. [Site] Palestinian History [Info] Alyagon Darr, Orna. Plausible Crime Stories: The Legal History of Sexual Offences in Mandate Palestine. Cambridge 2019. [Site] Philippine History
[Site] Singaporean History
[Site] Sri Lancan History
[Site] Timorese History
[Site] Turkish History
[Site] Vietnamese History
[Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] General
[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sadism: A history of non-consensual sexual cruelty.« The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy 2 (2020): 1-12. [Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Histoire de la violence en Occident de 1800 à nos jours. Paris 1981. [Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Storia della violenza in Occidente dal 1800 a oggi . Milan 1982. [Site] Austrian History
[Site] Belgian History
[Info] Mathijs, Ernest, et al. »Refusing to Look at Rape: The Reception of Belgian Horror Cinema.« European Nightmares: European Horror Cinema since 1945. Edited by Patricia Allmer et al. London 2012: 35-48. [Site] Bosnian History
[Site] Bulgarian History
[Site] Croatian History
[Site] Cyprian History
[Site] Czech History
[Site] Danish History
[Site] Dutch History
[Info] Bergers, Lara. »A culture of testimony: The importance of 'speaking witnesses' in Dutch sexual crimes investigations and trials, 1930-1960.« Forensic cultures in modern Europe. Edited by Willemijn Ruberg et al. Manchester 2023: 49-70. [Info] Ruiter, Lisanne E.R. de. ‘[Her sister] is not much more than a prostitute. Who dartes to believe the complainant?’: Rape cases, experts and witnesses of respectability (1920-1933). Master Thesis, Utrecht University, 2015. [Site] English History
[Info] Birkel, Christoph, et al. Die Entwicklung der Gewaltkriminalität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, England/Wales und Schweden in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Halle 2004. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor No. 743 (2010): 407-416. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Police surgeons and victims of rape: Cultures of harm and care.« Social History of Medicine 31 (2018): 711-731. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »‘Animal Instincts’: The sexual abuse of women with learning difficulties, 1830s-1910s.« Women's History Review 29 (2020): 1201-1217. [Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Approaching the History of Rape and Sexual Violence: Notes towards research.« Women's History Review 1 (1992): 377-397. [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Monckton-Smith, Jane. Deconstructing the House that Jack Built: An Examination of the Discursive Regime of Sexual Murder. Ph.D. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2006. [Info] Monckton-Smith, Jane. Relating Rape and Murder: Narratives of Sex, Death and Gender. New York 2010. [Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020). [Info] Soothill, Keith, et al. »Judges, the Media, and Rape.« Journal of Law and Society 17 (1990): 211-233. [Info] Thome, Helmut, et al. Sozialer Wandel und Gewaltkriminalität: Deutschland, England und Schweden im Vergleich, 1950 bis 2000. Wiesbaden 2007. [Site] Estonian History
[Site] Finnish History
[Info] Frisk, Matleena, et al. »Remembering rape: The temporal construction of sexual violence in autobiographical narratives from 1990s Finland.« Sexualities (February 14, 2021). [Info] Kotanen, Rikka. »From the protection of marriage to the defence of equality: The Finnish debate over the sexual autonomy of wives.« Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuity and Change. Edited by Marie B. Heinskou et al. London 2020: 83-100. [Info] Vuorela, Miikka. »The historical criminal statistics of Finland 1842-2015: A systematic comparision to Sweden.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42 (2018): 95-117. [Site] French History
[Site] German History
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